Bounce, 2019, C-print, silicone mounted on acrylic glass, 120 x 150 cm
Point of View, 2019, C-print, silicone mounted on acrylic glass, 100 x 125cm
Night, 2019, C-print, silicone mounted on acrylic glass, 125 x 100 cm
Suggested Shape (pink), 2019, Inkjet print, museum glass, whitewashed frame, 92 x 75 cm
Suggested shape (yellow, 2019, Inkjet print, museum glass, whitewashed frame, 92 x 75 cm
Suggested shape (green), 2019, Inkjet print, museum glass, whitewashed frame, 92 x 75 cm
Suggested shape (orange), Inkjet print, museum glass, whitewashed frame


Installation images from exhibitions:

Surfaces (to fall into, stay with, and look out through), cecilia Hillström Gallery

Den fjärde väggen (The fourth Wall), Galleri Format Malmö